The organization’s leadership plays a key role in creating an environment in which employees feel comfortable and in which they can thrive. It can be said that the mood of the leaders is “contagious” to all employees, because it depends on the leaders what kind of climate they will create in the organization. In fact, the management is the one who guides and motivates the employees. Therefore, it is important that they are able to recognize the problems and needs of the employees and know how to address them properly. Employees will feel more comfortable if they are offered or given the opportunity for continuing education, training, or some other form of personal development. Trust in employees and permission for autonomy and independence, as well as two-way communication, both among employees and according to the hierarchical level of the organization, also play an important role. (Kozole & Gračner, 2020, p. 38). Employees are also interested in the elements that link employee satisfaction and career, namely: the feeling of success and efficiency, motivation to work, work-life balance, good relationships, learning and skill development. (WELLY, 2020)
This is because what all workers have in common is that their well-being is highly dependent on the motivation they achieve at work. Motivation is like “fuel” for employees to perform their tasks with quality and success. It is most effective when it comes from management, but it is certainly welcome when it is also present among employees who have a good relationship with each other and support each other. Good relationships and the skills and qualities of management, on which the atmosphere of the workplace often depends, are also important to well-being. (WELLy, 2020)
The role of the employee in the work environment is considerable: a satisfied employee is more productive, willing to help others at work and to take on tasks that are not formally expected of him or her, and employee satisfaction is also related to physical health and life satisfaction. The work must be interesting and provide opportunities for training and progress. At the same time, it must not be monotonous, but should be as varied and independent as possible. The team and colleagues also play an important role and, last but not least, pay. (Barling, Kelloway, & Iverson, 2003).
In order to create such a positive work climate in organizations, the position of a human resource manager (HRM) has been established to take care of the atmosphere and a positively charged work climate from the first contact with the employee. This type of work is also performed by HRM staff, who play a special role in recruitment. The recruitment process begins with the planning of personnel capacity. Based on the needs of the company, the HR department determines what kind of employees it needs, how many it needs and by when it needs to find these employees. The next phase, after the job has been analyzed and published, is the phase where candidates are invited to apply for the job. Here, each organization can decide for itself which application process it chooses. Some require only a CV, others a cover letter, others even publish questionnaires that candidates automatically fill out and send with their application, while others publish specific challenges or tasks. The invitation phase is followed by a selection phase, in which the company chooses from all registered applicants those who meet the company’s requirements. Usually, there are one or two rounds of selection at this stage. Once the company has selected the workers, the onboarding process follows. Many companies do not place much emphasis on the induction process, so it quickly happens that workers are not adequately prepared for the job and need constant support. As a result, they need a mentor most of the time and cannot do their work smoothly. Therefore, it is very important that we devote more time to the introduction process and that it is carried out concretely.

In the first phase (professional orientation), it is important to interview the new employee. We present the employee with basic information about the company, its activities, core products and services. We introduce the organizational structure and familiarize them with the rights and duties that apply to all employees of the company. We also inform them about the employment contract and answer any questions about social security.
In the second phase (introductory interview), we conduct an introductory interview, during which we gain a more detailed insight into the organization, the company and the structure of the organizational unit to which the employee will belong.
This is followed by the third phase (mentoring phase), in which it is very important to present the employee with a clear introduction plan at the beginning. We clearly define the time frame and the process of the introduction for the employee so that he or she can become familiar with it. Otherwise, it can quickly happen that the employee is still not self-sufficient after a year. It is also important to familiarize the employee with the job they will be taking on and all the work responsibilities and rights they are entitled to.
In the introductory phase, it is very important to present a clear vision and strategy of the company.