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European Project


Introducing the Job Profile of a Manager for Work Well-being to Prevent and Combat Work-related Stress

Project Description


Project WELLy addresses the impact of the physical and psychosocial work environment on the health and well-being of employees. Ιt’s necessary mapping competencies that a manager should own to be able to implement a correct approach for preventing and reducing stress at work. This is what the WELLy project is doing and, having identified the management competencies needed for engendering employee engagement, health and well-being, the challenge is to support managers to develop these competencies and use them in their people management approach. 

Project's Objectives


Given the exponential increase of work-related stress issues and the diffusion of depression among the European citizens, the WELLy project aims to set the role of Work Well-being Manager (WWM) in charge of making sure that daily working conditions are fair and as healthy as reasonably possible for every employee so that the overall quality of life at work improves within the organisation and across economies.


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